Case Study

The Challenge

In 2021, SLB repackaged its best-in-class E&P software into a more affordable, accessible, cloud-enabled, pay-as-you-go subscription service for small- to mid-size E&P operators in the North American Land Market (NAM) to capture additional market share.  Up until then, only major oil and gas companies had access to the software, because it required excessive CAPEX to support it.  By re-packaging the workflows on the Cloud, smaller operators could utilize the software on a project-by-project basis, allowing them to control their costs and improve the productivity of their wells without the expensive IT requirements associated with traditional software.

The objective was to build awareness of SLB’s new cloud-enabled SaaS offerings among small- to mid-size E&P companies in North America, increase unique users to the e-Commerce site by 200/month, and double the number of registrations within a 13-month period.

The Strategy

  • Simplify the offering, as it was overly complex and confusing for an ecommerce solution.

  • Prove the value of the offering. The typical North American operator is skeptical they need this offering but believe they can continue to copy the success of neighboring wells by taking an efficient statistical approach to their operations using spreadsheets. Many have been successful using this method, so the onus is on SLB to prove its software is a better alternative and will demonstrate a positive ROI.

  • Overcome the market’s perceptions that SLB is expensive, arrogant, and out of touch with their needs. This required us to communicate in a more authentic, practical voice.

  • Simplify the buyer’s journey. From both the UI/UX perspective and a price-to-value ratio, we needed to make it easy for customers to say yes to buy our offering.

The Execution

Re-organized and re-positioned offering for the new customer

  • Helped reorganize SLB offerings by domain vs. by software profile to make it easier for users to find the software package applicable to their specific domain and challenge

  • Developed concise, pragmatic messaging that focused on three main value propositions for the NAM  customer, which were atypical of SLB: simplicity, accessibility, and affordability

  • Redesigned and enhanced the user experience of the e-Commerce website

Developed an integrated multi-channel advertising campaign consisting of programmatic, paid social, print, and industry pub native advertising and sponsorships.

Produced educational videos, led by SLB experts, on how to run various workflows and scenarios using the software, and developed advertising that drove qualified traffic to the video landing pages.

Leveraged existing case studies, as well as created new ones to prove the value of the software, and drove traffic to the landing pages through programmatic, paid social, and native advertising efforts.

The Results

  • Exceeded unique NAM website visitors goal by 3,190, a 218% increase from the number of users in 2021.

  • Exceeded NAM registrations goal within a
    13-month period by 136, a 180% increase.

  • Increased revenue by 200% from 2021 to 2022.